So, what makes you smile?
In 2003, I wrote essentially the same list as every other year.
Having a good cup of coffee. Being heard, understood and confirmed. Enjoying a good time with friends who care for me. Visiting with my children. Reading on a quiet and cozy afternoon. Watching TV by candlelight. Looking at the stars. Smelling flowers on a walk. Seeing my family in the garden.
All "verbs" describe what makes me smile. So simple and complete.
As I've aged, my list continues to allow focus, but instead of being so Pollyanna, it reaches out to my passions -- more stewardship focused, helping others, walks, participation in orienteering, purposeful relaxing, having what I understand as "pacing days" (days of quiet chores, sitting on the porch, reading and living in the moment -- no walking events to build up my mileage for the day), smiling and being kind and patient with others.
A New Year feels so clean and full of promise. An open calendar brings excitement over what's ahead.
Rebelling over the societal expectations of rushing out of the old year with well-written promises of resolutions. I'd rather embrace January as a cleaning out -- paperwork, pictures, making appointments, updating the calendar, clearing out the dusty clutter in my life -- sort, save, toss -- all with a good cup of coffee brewing -- which creates for me a more carefree beginning to the year.
February arrives after this cleansing and I eagerly anticipate what my ideas will be and where my inspiration will come from. I will either create an "art" board or journal. I quote art because I'm not endowed with artistic ability but I do enjoy the process and seeing each page or board come together and realize anyone can do this. Creation makes me smile.
“I want to come home to kindness.” (said by the teacher in Sarafina)
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