December 28, 2016

Searching Yonder

Exploring the word "Yonder" "at or to that place; beyond farther, further, more at farther" and "being at a distance within view". Complicated and lots of work. We would love to have things handed to us with the slightest amount of effort, or at the very least, easily obtained. Not happening. 

I am at a place in life where learning new things is pleasurable and important to me. Yonder is the key to finding things out. Yonder, sometimes very difficult to find, is the strategy in which you can find what you are striving or yearning to learn. Never simple - the "it" always seems to be yonder. What if you don't know how to find the it? You must search yonder, beyond farther. 

I struggle with googling - not raised during the technology age. For instance, my husband and I tried to find a log cabin by a river in which we can kayak and fish. I searched on google and was given, on my screen, a plethora of "hits" to explore. Where to begin? Yonder! I read about some potential cabins, but, honestly and essentially, worthless in our pursuit. Word of mouth - still a yonder endeavor. Why is it that whatever we desire, requires a yonder?

(Here is one of my stop action pictures, taken on a sunny day
in Kensington Park.)

I recently followed through on a yonder desire: to learn. Photography, in particular. As a passion for this search engulfed me, I was successful in my search and "hit" upon two classes and two local photo clubs; joined, did the projects, passed! I have to share that the comfort level between me and my Sony a7000 has improved exponentially with the amount of exposure I had with my teachers and the assignments. I'm excited to learn more and signed up for a photography editing class in the fall. My fear of learning has disappeared - perhaps it wasn't quite a fear, but rather a doubt that my abilities to learn new materials was compromised after many years of no classes. As in riding a bicycles, you never have to doubt you can learn something new. I did - and am glad that I searched out yonder - a word worthy of embracing. 

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