We went to outdoor symposiums plying backpackers with questions on these trails: what kind of pack, supplies, where to begin. We bought books from authors who walked the trail and wrote about their excursions...absorbing every word as gospel. Our starting point would be above Ohio, walking weekends and traveling up through our beautiful state.
But life happens. In April, I developed a horrible cough, fever, and eventually "blew" my ribs out of place, the pain forcing me to the floor at work. Forget about training, I could not walk a corridor with comfort - let alone try trail walking. A series of tests ensued because of lingering issues and I was given a slew of surprising diagnoses gave a tremendous blow to my normally active and positive attitude.
So, I had a decision. Do I fold up and sink in despair or round up my resources and fight. I chose life and began slow walking, then faster. But, we were realistic and realized the North Country Trail was unobtainable, and went through the grief of limitations.
In September, I began the walking, spinning, elliptical challenge of a previous blog post. Then took two of our girls "home" to Marquette, Michigan for an active weekend of walking on trails. In the midst of this hard, for me, weekend, we discovered a trail - The North Country Trail - and commenced to spend a few hours navigating rocks, roots, hills, obstacles. Then, a day later, we were walking deeply into the forest to a waterfall, and scooted down to these beautiful falls, noticing another sign: the North Country Trail. We had successfully maneuvered two NCT walks in one weekend. A great change occurred in my heart. I would and could be active and beat these inflictions.

A few weeks after our return home, a daughter, my husband and I competed in a 5K run/walk. Our daughter ran, beating her time and placing nicely in her age category. We pushed hard in the walk and placed pleasantly in our own age categories. It was life-changing in the midst of my medical turmoil.

Hopefully you don't trip over too many branches :)
ReplyDeleteTrue, but it can add to the experience - especially if it is a soft landing and people aren't too upset. I was hopefully not being too literal but figurative in the falling down part.
DeleteI started walking portions of the NCT last summer with a friend who lives nearby. We usually walk a day a week, not backpacking but just day-hiking. We have now covered more than half of the NCT in Michigan's Lower Peninsula and might even finish the LP next year. Then we will tackle the UP. It's a great trail and lots of fun.
ReplyDeleteGlen, I read about your achievements on the NCT last year and that was what inspired Les and I to try and walk it. The portions we walked in the Marquette area were quite challenging, beautiful to gorgeous, and worth every step. Hopefully, next year will be a better health year for us and we could pass you on the trail. Proud of you and your walking.